Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Next summer is our turn to host the large P H Rex reunion. That means that next year it will be 10 years since the last one we hosted up at the log resort in Heber. Yara has heard for 9 years that we all really liked that location. Some of you have not even gone to a P.H. Reunion since then. The other hosting families have done outstanding jobs with those reunions since our last one. Those that have gone have really enjoyed themselves, learned a lot about our ancestors and renewed friendships.

We are now going to change the reunion a little and divide it into 2 by dropping to the next generation (children of John, Jeff, Yara, Judd & Jay) for the big one. The older generations are going to host a reunion with their cousins and whoever wants to go, at a local park.

So the next generation is in charge of having a large Harold and Diania Reunion at some great location next summer. They are passing the mantel on down. Ethan and Melissa have been trying to organize this for a couple of years by themselves. Every time we get together at a wedding (hurray for Spencer, Ryan, and John) or someplace we all want to have a party and have fun.

We are totally open to suggestions at this point. Obviously we need to try something affordable so everyone can come. And hopefully somewhere that everyone can fit. We also need to consider the amount of kids and babies we have, Lake Powell and camping are fun, but could be hot depending on the time of year.

We are looking into the log resort in Heber. Last time we spoke to them they said we can rent that house for $3000 for 2 nights. It has 18 bedrooms now and the swimming pool is still great!! We will have 102 maybe more...in our family next year with 31 families. $3000 divided by 102 = $30/person for 2 nights..... Friday - Sunday plus food. I know some are babies, some are old, and some won't get a room and have to sleep on the deck in a tent or go somewhere, or something....... So depending on how many people come, we'll have to figure out how to split up the costs and rooms.

This summer the Selph's rented a smaller house in Heber with 6 bedrooms and it was a blast. Cousins played and played without too much entertainment from parents. (We had our own playing going on). Of course, we had the ice cream machine (thanks to Janine and Theran) and the inflatable water slide (thanks to Ethan and Melissa) and water balloons (thanks to Morgan and Rebecca), games, fire at night, skits and plenty of laughter.... etc. It was really fun just being together for 3 days!

Basically it'd be great to have everyone under the same roof so we can eat, stay up late and party.

We can maybe organize food with each family (John, Jeff, Yara, Judd and Jays) will be responsible for 2 meals and clean up plus... games, family history (John has a great story about John Morgan), skits, slide show, water slide, ice cream machine, nacho machine?, a day at the lake?, swimming races and games, (all right maybe there is already too much organized), eating, ......etc.

So as far as timing goes, these are the dates we are looking at:

  • Memorial Day, May 28-30
  • 4th of July, July 2-4
  • 24th of July, July 23-25
If we do it over a holiday weekend (I know the 24th doesn't really count) family members who travel would have extra time.

We are open to suggestions. We need to decide soon, we can reserve location, figure out costs and set our vacations.

Please reply to me with ideas and dates. Lets try to get this organized by November.

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